Why you should attend SOLIXEmpower 2024 on November 13-14, 2024?

Solix Technologies, Inc. in collaboration with the San Diego Supercomputer Center(SDSC) - SPARK AI and the Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute (HDSI) at the the University of California San Diego to present: Your Data. Your AI. Your Insights

Gain insights on enterprise data management and generative AI via user training, demonstrations, and exciting product announcements.
Learn from leaders in industry and academia why data management is the lynchpin for data science and engineering innovations - both now and into the future.

Key Event Topics & Takeaways:

  • Data management as the key to new data science and data engineering applications

  • Governance & security as fundamental to all data initiatives

  • Data Lake and lakehouse architectures to mine profits from new data types and sources

  • Network with industry leaders, academic thinkers and Solix users

  • Opportunity to enjoy the beauty of UCSD and San Diego


  • SOLIX User Group + Main Conference

    499with EARLY BIRD until Sept 15

    $699 after Sept 15

    • 1 full event pass (Nov 13-14) with access to the following:
    • Keynotes
    • Pannel Discussions
    • Networking Opportunity


  • James Short

    James Short
    Lead Scientist & Research Staff Member
    San Diego Supercomputer Center(SDSC) at UC San Diego

  • Haojian Jin

    Haojian Jin
    Assistant Professor
    Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute(HDSI) at UC San Diego

  • Sai Gundavelli

    Sai Gundavelli
    CEO and Founder
    Solix Technologies, Inc.

  • John Ottman

    John Ottman
    Executive Chairman
    Solix Technologies, Inc.

  • Veena Gundavelli

    Veena Gundavelli
    VP Analytics Solix Technologies
    Founder & CEO
    Emagia Corporation

  • Mark Lee

    Mark Lee
    Sr. Vice President, Services
    Solix Technologies, Inc.

  • Kishore Gadiraju

    Kishore Gadiraju
    Vice President, Engineering
    Solix Technologies, Inc.

  • Kalyan Manyam

    Kalyan Manyam
    VP, Product Marketing
    Solix Technologies, Inc.

  • Russ Puryear

    Russ Puryear
    Vice President, Sales
    Solix Technologies, Inc.

  • Jim Lee

    Jim Lee
    VP, Data Services
    Solix Technologies, Inc.


Embark on an enlightening journey as we delve into a wide range of captivating topics: Data Governance & Compliance, Cloud Data Management, Generative AI Use Cases, Enterprise Archive Strategy to Power Generative AI, Finance Transformation driven by AI, Content Services, Data Lake and more…

08:30 AM - 09:30 AM

  • Product/Best Practice Session

    What's New in CDP 3.1 and Beyond



09:30 AM - 10:15 AM

  • Product/Best Practice Session

    Data Unification Opportunities



10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

  • Product/Best Practice Session

    Enterprise Data Lake Overview



11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

  • Panel Discussion

    Enterprise Archiving Best Practices



01:30 PM - 02:30 PM

  • Product/Best Practice Session

    Security & Compliance Solution update



02:30 PM - 03:30 PM

  • Panel Discussion

    Solix Security Best Practices



03:45 PM - 04:30 PM

  • Panel Discussion

    Solix Application Retirement Best Practices



04:30 PM - 05:30 PM

  • Dialogue

    Solix User Group



05:30 PM - 06:00 PM

  • Dialogue

    Mixer with SPARK AI and IPA groups



06:30 PM - 08:00 PM

  • Dinner

    Networking Cocktails & Dinner(Invite Only)



09:30 AM - 11:30 AM

  • Training Session

    App Retirement / Data Access



11:30 AM - 02:30 PM

  • Training Session

    Masking / Discovery



02:30 PM - 04:30 PM

  • Training Session

    Data Governance / Security



05:30 PM - 06:00 PM

  • Dialogue

    Mixer with SPARK AI and IPA groups



06:30 PM

  • Dinner

    Networking Cocktails & Dinner(Invite Only)



08:30 AM - 09:00 AM

  • Networking

    Networking Breakfast


Conference Room

09:00 AM - 09:30 AM

  • Keynote

    Welcome Keynote

    Sai Gundavelli, Founder & CEO, Solix Technologies, Inc.

Conference Room

09:30 AM - 10:00 AM

  • Keynote

    Living With AI


Conference Room

10:00 AM - 10:20 AM

  • Keynote

    Enterprise Intelligence


Conference Room

10:20 AM - 10:40 AM

  • Keynote

    Cloud Data Management


Conference Room

10:40 AM - 11:00 AM

  • Break

    Networking Break


Conference Room

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM

  • Panel Discussion



Conference Room

12:00 PM - 01:00 PM

  • Break

    Networking Lunch


Conference Room

01:00 PM - 01:30 PM

  • Keynote

    The Data Science Foundation


Conference Room

01:30 PM - 02:15 PM

  • Panel Discussion

    Managing AI


Conference Room

02:15 PM - 03:00 PM

  • Panel Discussion

    AI Safety and Security for Regulated Industries


Conference Room

03:00 PM - 03:30 PM

  • Break

    Networking Break


Conference Room

03:30 PM - 04:15 PM

  • Keynote

    Data Quality and Data Strategy for AI, Measuring AI value, Testing LLMs, and AI Use Cases


Conference Room

04:15 PM - 05:00 PM

  • Panel Discussion

    Security Spotlight: AI and Least Privilege


Conference Room

05:00 PM - 05:45 PM

  • Panel Discussion

    Breakthru Use Cases in Advanced Analytics


Conference Room

05:45 PM - 06:30 PM

  • Panel Discussion

    AI for Social Good


Conference Room

06:30 PM

  • Dinner

    Cocktails & Networking Dinner(Invite Only)



*Snacks / Coffee / Available

*This Agenda is subject to change

Sponsors & PartnersPeople who partnered with us

Hotel InformationBook your stay for SOLIXEmpower 2024

To take advantage of SOLIXEmpower discounted hotel rates, you must be a registered attendee. To secure one of our room blocks, contact us at info@solixempower.com. SOLIXEmpower discounted hotel rates will not be available if you book directly with the hotel.

  • Sheraton La Jolla Hotel

    3299 Holiday Court La Jolla, California, USA, 92037

  • Hotel information

    • Start Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2024
    • End Date: Friday, November 15, 2024
    • Last day to book at discounted rates: Monday, October 14, 2024
    • Price: $199 USD per night
    Online Reservation